Top "Attention-model" questions

Questions regarding attention model mechanism in deep learning

What is the difference between Luong attention and Bahdanau attention?

These two attentions are used in seq2seq modules. The two different attentions are introduced as multiplicative and additive attentions …

tensorflow deep-learning nlp attention-model
How to build a attention model with keras?

I am trying to understand attention model and also build one myself. After many searches I came across this website …

python tensorflow keras deep-learning attention-model
Keras - Add attention mechanism to an LSTM model

With the following code: model = Sequential() num_features = data.shape[2] num_samples = data.shape[1] model.add( LSTM(16, batch_input_shape=(…

python machine-learning keras lstm attention-model
RuntimeError: "exp" not implemented for 'torch.LongTensor'

I am following this tutorial: to implement the Transformer model from the "Attention …

pytorch tensor attention-model
How to visualize attention weights?

Using this implementation I have included attention to my RNN (which classify the input sequences into two classes) as follows. …

keras deep-learning nlp rnn attention-model
Visualizing attention activation in Tensorflow

Is there a way to visualize the attention weights on some input like the figure in the link above(from …

tensorflow deep-learning attention-model sequence-to-sequence