Top "Atom-feed" questions

Atom is an XML based news-feed format.

Is there any defined atom syndication xml schema?

Is there any defined atom syndication xml schema? RFC 4287 only contains a Relax NG compact schema in appendix B.

xsd syndication syndication-feed atom-feed
The best PHP lib/class to generate RSS/Atom

I have to produce an RSS/Atom feed in various applications, and I want to know a good library or …

php rss rdf atom-feed
How to publish a dynamic event feed for google calendar?

I'm building a webapp that manages certain types of events for users. I want to provide a way to display …

google-calendar-api gdata gdata-api atom-feed
Is there a PHP feed reader for both RSS and ATOM?

I need a PHP library/script that can retreive data from feeds, no matter if they are RSS or ATOM, …

php rss atom-feed
How to get more Feed items?

How would I get the next page or more results for a feed? For example, when I go to Security …

rss feed atom-feed
SelectNodes not working on stackoverflow feed

I'm trying to add support for stackoverflow feeds in my rss reader but SelectNodes and SelectSingleNode have no effect. This …

c# .net rss atom-feed
RFC-822 date-time format in RSS 2.0 feeds: CET not accepted?

[Updated with working solution] I have an RSS feed which gets displayed correctly in RSS clients, but when being validated …

java date formatting rss atom-feed
No Nodes Selected from Atom XML document using XPath?

I'm trying to parse an Atom feed programmatically. I have the atom XML downloaded as a string. I can load …

c# xml xpath xmldocument atom-feed
How to detect if a page is an RSS or ATOM feed

I'm currently building a new online Feed Reader in PHP. One of the features I'm working on is feed auto-discovery. …

php rss feedparser atom-feed
How To Discover RSS Feeds for a given URL

I get a URL from a user. I need to know: a) is the URL a valid RSS feed? b) …

php rss feed discover atom-feed