Top "Atom-editor" questions

Atom is a hackable text editor created by GitHub and developed on top of the Electron desktop application platform.

Atom text editor adds "^M" to empty lines

Atom text editor adds this symbol to every empty line. Any idea what and why?

git atom-editor
Don't see all content of my folder

In my atom when I add a project, it does not display all content (I mean files and folders)) into …

how to comment out multiple lines and give indentation in atom editor

hi i am new to programming and i am using atom for python . but how can I comment out multiple …

python atom-editor pyscripter
How to add a breakpoint with Atom's node-debugger?

I'm trying to use the Atom's package 'node-debugger' (here), but I can't find a way to add a breakpoint to …

node.js debugging breakpoints atom-editor node-debugger
Atom using System Proxy

Regardless of what I configure in .apmrc, ATOM is using my system proxy settings for connection. Only when I change …

proxy atom-editor corporate
Pass arguments to packaged electron application

We're using electron-packager to bundle up and distribute the front-end of our web application. We need to be able to …

javascript node.js electron atom-editor yargs
Atom Editor: How to unhide `.env` file in Atom

I've deleted .* from Ignored Names. All the . files are now showing in the sidebar (except for the .env file). Why …

atom-editor nuclide-editor
How to add words to Atom's spell checker dictionary?

Trying to get a bit more functionality out of Atom's spell checker and right now the false positives are making …

How can I fix `flake8 D100 — Missing docstring` error in atom editor

I installed atom for python programming and also installed Linter and flake8 packages but everything I write in text editor …

python atom-editor flake8
How to create, build, run and debug a Rust program with the Atom editor?

I am looking for step-by-step instructions to create, build, run and debug a first Rust application inside the Atom editor. …

windows rust atom-editor