Atom is a hackable text editor created by GitHub and developed on top of the Electron desktop application platform.
Atom text editor adds this symbol to every empty line. Any idea what and why?
git atom-editorIn my atom when I add a project, it does not display all content (I mean files and folders)) into …
atom-editorhi i am new to programming and i am using atom for python . but how can I comment out multiple …
python atom-editor pyscripterI'm trying to use the Atom's package 'node-debugger' (here), but I can't find a way to add a breakpoint to …
node.js debugging breakpoints atom-editor node-debuggerRegardless of what I configure in .apmrc, ATOM is using my system proxy settings for connection. Only when I change …
proxy atom-editor corporateWe're using electron-packager to bundle up and distribute the front-end of our web application. We need to be able to …
javascript node.js electron atom-editor yargsI've deleted .* from Ignored Names. All the . files are now showing in the sidebar (except for the .env file). Why …
atom-editor nuclide-editorTrying to get a bit more functionality out of Atom's spell checker and right now the false positives are making …
atom-editorI installed atom for python programming and also installed Linter and flake8 packages but everything I write in text editor …
python atom-editor flake8I am looking for step-by-step instructions to create, build, run and debug a first Rust application inside the Atom editor. …
windows rust atom-editor