Top "Async-await" questions

This covers the asynchronous programming model supported by various programming languages, using the async and await keywords.

Promise equivalent in C#

In Scala there is a Promise class that could be used to complete a Future manually. I am looking for …

c# promise async-await task future
ASP.NET Controller: An asynchronous module or handler completed while an asynchronous operation was still pending

I have a very simple ASP.NET MVC 4 controller: public class HomeController : Controller { private const string MY_URL = "http://smthing"; …

c# .net async-await webclient
Why would I bother to use Task.ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

Consider the following code of windows forms: private async void UpdateUIControlClicked(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.txtUIControl.Text = "I will …

c# async-await synchronizationcontext
Difference between await and ContinueWith

Can someone explain if await and ContinueWith are synonymous or not in the following example. I'm trying to use TPL …

c# task-parallel-library task async-await
An async/await example that causes a deadlock

I came across some best practices for asynchronous programming using c#'s async/await keywords (I'm new to c# 5.0). One …

c# task-parallel-library deadlock async-await c#-5.0
Why does this async action hang?

I have a multi-tier .Net 4.5 application calling a method using C#'s new async and await keywords that just hangs …

c# asynchronous task-parallel-library async-await c#-5.0
Suppressing "warning CS4014: Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues..."

This is not a duplicate of "How to safely call an async method in C# without await". How do I …

c# async-await
Should I worry about "This async method lacks 'await' operators and will run synchronously" warning

I have a interface which exposes some async methods. More specifically it has methods defined which return either Task or …

c# .net asynchronous async-await task
Intellij Idea warning - "Promise returned is ignored" with aysnc/await

I'm using Express.js in my code with Node.js v7.3. In this I've created a User Router which forwards …

javascript node.js intellij-idea async-await es6-promise
How to use async/await in Vue.js?

I'm new in ES7 I want to use async/await in Vue.js Here is my code created (){ this.getA() …

javascript vue.js async-await ecmascript-2017