I have some RDL reports created with SQL Server BI Development Studio and now I need to render them using the ASP.NET Report Viewer. Even though my RDLs contain references to the SQL server and the SELECT query, it keeps saying I need to specify a datasource for the report. Is there a way to make the datasource from the RDL be used or do I have to pass a datasource to the report viewer via C# code?
Thank you.
I suppose you are using the Report Viewer in local mode:
viewer.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Local
and you use viewer.LocalReport
. In this case you has to run query yourself and pass the result to the viewer:
dim tbl as new DataTable()
Fill the data e.g. tbl.load(datareader).
Dim VDS As New ReportDataSource
VDS.Name = "Your Data Source Name"
VDS.Value = tbl
If you want to use server mode
viewer.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WinForms.ProcessingMode.Remote
You has to use viewer.ServerReport
viewer.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl = New Uri(ReportServerURL)
and probably viewer.ServerReport.SetDataSourceCredentials
Reporting Services and ReportViewer Controls in Visual Studio
How to get queries from rdl
Dim XRep As New XmlDocument
Dim xmlnsManager As New System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager(XRep.NameTable)
dim DefaultNSURI as string = XRep.GetElementsByTagName("Width")(0).NamespaceURI
xmlnsManager.AddNamespace("rep", DefaultNSURI)
Dataset Processing:
For Each nd As XmlNode In XRep.SelectNodes("/rep:Report/rep:DataSets/rep:DataSet", xmlnsManager)
'DataSourceName can be used to find iformation about connection'
Dim DataSourceName As String = nd.SelectSingleNode("rep:Query/rep:DataSourceName", xmlnsManager).InnerText
Dim DSName As String = nd.Attributes("Name").Value
cmd.CommandText = nd.SelectSingleNode("rep:Query/rep:CommandText", xmlnsManager).InnerText
Dim tbl As New DataTable(DSName)
'The table created here is to be passed to LocalReport as datasource'
Note To convert vb.net<->c# I use Convert VB.NET to C#