Authorize one action in a controller but don't require a role

BYoung picture BYoung · Jul 10, 2013 · Viewed 7k times · Source

I have a Product controller the required role of "product_editor" to access most of the methods. there are a few actions that don't require authorization so [AllowAnonymous] works great. However, I have one action i would like to require they are logged in but they may not be a product editor.

Is there a simple way to declare this for the one action?

you can see a couple of my attempts commented out

[Authorize(Roles = "product_editor")]
public class ProductController : Controller
    #region Public Actions
    public ActionResult Search(string keyword...

    public ActionResult Details(string id...

    public ActionResult AuthorizedDownload(long id, string step)
        SecureDownloadLink link = SecureDownloadLink.Load(id);
            //Allow download
            //Return 404 Error


Found a working solution but would love an attribute based solution since the rest of my authentication is done in attributes and the [AllowAnonymous] is a bit misleading.

public ActionResult AuthorizedDownload(long id, string step)
    if (!User.Identity.IsAuthenticated)
        return RedirectToAction("Login", "Account", new { ReturnUrl = Request.Url.LocalPath });


Darin Dimitrov picture Darin Dimitrov · Jul 10, 2013

I don't think there's a simple way to achieve that, other than explicitly specifying the Authorize attribute explicitly on each controller action:

public class ProductController : Controller
    #region Public Actions
    public ActionResult Search(string keyword...

    public ActionResult Details(string id...

    public ActionResult AuthorizedDownload(long id, string step)
        SecureDownloadLink link = SecureDownloadLink.Load(id);
            //Allow download
            //Return 404 Error

    [Authorize(Roles = "product_editor")]
    public ActionResult SomeOtherAction()

or if you have many actions, another possibility is to move the action that differs in a separate controller.