Top "Array-splice" questions

PHP's array_splice() function helps to replace or extract array elements for particular offset.

Calling splice inside map function

I have following code: var a = [{a: 1}, {a: 2}, {a: 3}]; (item, index) { console.log('call'); if (index < 1) { …

javascript splice array-splice
Confusion with javascript array.splice()

I'm really confused about this. My understanding was that array.splice(startIndex, deleteLength, insertThing) would insert insertThing into the result …

javascript array-splice
PHP split array based on value

Possible Duplicate: How to split an array based on a certain value? Here is an example array I want to …

php array-splice
array_splice preserving keys

I faced the situation that splicing arrays with preserved-keys, so I made the following function. I reached the solution that …

php arrays array-splice preserve