Top "Armv7" questions

Questions related to ARMv7 architecture.

Way to restore Xcode to accept armv6 architecture?

I have a 3rd party .a library, which is apparently compiled for only armv6 compatibility, where both new Xcodes (3.2.6 and 4), …

xcode4 armv7 xcode3.2 armv6
symbol(s) not found for architecture armv6

Please help me from the below error. I am working on graphs using 3rd party framework (libIPhonecharting), every thing works …

objective-c ios4 armv7 armv6
Undefined symbols for architecture armv7 for Cocoapods libraries

I stumbled upon a problem on a project that I need to work on. The project use Cocoapods for managing …

ios xcode cocoapods armv7 xcode-project
Apple Mach-O Linker Error armv7s & libGoogleAdMobAds.a

I've just upgraded my app to run on the new iPhone5 simulator, however when I try to build it for …

ios xcode linker-errors armv7
Validating app, application is missing Architecture armv7

When I'm updating my first iOS app , I have 2 problems validating them, *iPhone/iPod Touch:application executable is missing a …

objective-c architecture armv7 entitlements code-signing-entitlements
XCode linking error when targeting armv7

I've already spent countless hours puzzling over this, utilizing Google searches and other Stack Overflow questions to no avail. I …

xcode ipad linker armv7
Unknown register name 'q0' in asm

I'm trying to build ios project for $(ARCHS_STANDARD_32_BIT) architecture - armv7 for the latest iOS (iOS 7.0) and I've …

ios ios7 build cpu-registers armv7
Building ffmpeg iOS libraries for armv7, armv7s, arm64, i386 and universal

I have seen several scripts to build FFmpeg API for armv7, 7s and i386 but couldn't find anything which would …

ios ffmpeg armv7 i386 arm64
Building FFMPEG library for iOS6.0 ARMv7 Processor

WARNING: I was just informed by another user that there are some legal issues revolving around using FFMPEG for iOS, …

iphone gcc ffmpeg ios6 armv7
xcode 4.5 : Undefined symbols for architecture armv7s:

i'm totally went crazy for that issue.. i have project that was working fine but after i added facebook sdk …

iphone ios6 armv7