Top "Arguments" questions

An argument is a value passed to a function, procedure, or command line program.

How to check existence of an input argument for R functions

I have a function defined as myFun <- function(x, y, ...) { # using exists if (exists("z")) { print("exists z!") } # …

r function arguments exists
Using map() function with keyword arguments

Here is the loop I am trying to use the map function on: volume_ids = [1,2,3,4,5] ip = '' for volume_…

python arguments map-function
Passing input as a function argument using cin

My program: class test { int k; public: void changeval(int i){k=i;} }; int main() { test obj; int i; cin&…

c++ constructor arguments cin
Whats the pythonic way to handle empty *args when creating a set?

Defining a function, MyFunction(argument, *args): [do something to argument[arg] for arg in *args] if *args is empty, the …

python function arguments default function-signature
Curly braces inside JavaScript arguments for functions

What do the curly braces surrounding JavaScript arguments for functions do? var port = chrome.extension.connect({name: "testing"}); port.postMessage({…

javascript function arguments curly-braces
Python Class Based Decorator with parameters that can decorate a method or a function

I've seen many examples of Python decorators that are: function style decorators (wrapping a function) class style decorators (implementing __init__, __…

python function methods arguments decorator
Golang - Check number of arguments? Also User Input - Check for return key (blank line) entry ""

Two questions. 1...I am writing a little game that requires an argument to be provided by the user on the …

input go arguments args
How to send argument to class in Quartz.Net

I'm using Quartz.Net (version 2) for running a method in a class every day at 8:00 and 20:00 (IntervalInHours = 12) Everything is OK …

c# arguments
parse arguments after getopts

I want to call a bash script like this $ ./scriptName -o -p -t something path/to/file This is as …

bash command-line-arguments arguments getopts
how to use a raw_input as argument in a function in python 3

I'm trying to write a simple program with python 3 for practice. What I want to do is draw a function …

python-3.x variables input arguments raw-input