Top "Arguments" questions

An argument is a value passed to a function, procedure, or command line program.

ruby convert array into function arguments

Say I have an array. I wish to pass the array to a function. The function, however, expects two arguments. …

ruby arrays function arguments
How to force arguments to be integer/string

I'd like my functions to expect strings/integers or throw a fit, like: warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be …

php arguments type-hinting
Why do I get "/bin/sh: Argument list too long" when passing quoted arguments?

How long can be a command line that can be passed to sh -c ''? (in bash and in bourne …

bash shell command-line arguments quoting
void pointer as argument

The following C snippet: [...] void f1(void* a){ printf("f(a) address = %p \n",a); a = (void*)(int*)malloc(sizeof(…

c pointers arguments argument-passing void-pointers
Default function arguments in Rust

Is it possible in Rust to create a function with a default argument? fn add(a: int = 1, b: int = 2) { a + …

function parameters arguments rust
Passing all arguments of a function to another function

I want to pass all the arguments passed to a function(func1) as arguments to another function(func2) inside func1 …

python function arguments
Get a list/tuple/dict of the arguments passed to a function?

Given the following function: def foo(a, b, c): pass How would one obtain a list/tuple/dict/etc of …

python function arguments
Typescript - Default parameters on class with interface

I have a scenario where I have an interface which has a method like so: interface SomeInterface { SomeMethod(arg1: string, …

interface arguments typescript default-value
Getting HTTP GET arguments in Python

I'm trying to run an Icecast stream using a simple Python script to pick a random song from the list …

python cgi get arguments
Running batch file with arguments from C#

I have a batch file like this @echo off xcopy /e %1 %2 I have my C# code as follows: string MyBatchFile = @"…

c# batch-file arguments xcopy