Top "Applicationcontext" questions

The Spring `ApplicationContext` class

spring junit load application context for tests

I've got some XML files under my WEB-INF directory: lyricsBaseApp-servlet.xml hibernate.xml dataSource.xml beans.xml the servlet xml …

spring junit applicationcontext
Where can I find the example applicationContext.xml file

With Spring 3 distribution there was a project folder which was packaged in the distribution . This project folder had sample applicationContext.…

xml spring spring-mvc applicationcontext
How do you reset Spring JUnit application context after a test class dirties it?

I'm using Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE, JUnit 4.8.1 and the HSQL 2.7.7 in-memory database. I have one test class annotated as @RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner.…

spring junit hsqldb applicationcontext
Get application context returns null

The following schema has been touted as the way to get application context from anywhere within my android app. But …

android applicationcontext
Initializing Spring bean from static method from another Class?

I was trying to create Hibernate Validator bean, and run into this problem creating a bean from static factory method …

java spring bean-validation applicationcontext
PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer and environment variables in .properties files

I have a Spring application-context.xml with PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer to get properties' values from .properties file. Main and test source folders …

java spring environment-variables applicationcontext properties-file
Spring ApplicationListener is not receiving events

I have the following ApplicationListener: package org.mycompany.listeners; import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener; import org.springframework.context.event.ContextStartedEvent; …

java spring listener applicationcontext
Failed to load Spring ApplicationContext

I'm writing unit tests for a spring application which is sort of complex. I want to load spring context in …

spring maven junit spring-aop applicationcontext
How to create TestContext for Spring Test?

I have a relatively small Java library that implements a few dozen beans (no database or GUI). I have created …

xml spring testing junit applicationcontext
Reload or refresh a Spring application context inside a test method?

I need to change the Spring profiles that are active in my applicationContext within a single method of my test …

java spring testng applicationcontext spring-test