Top "Applet" questions

Applet means 'small application'. This has become commonly used to describe Java applets embedded in web pages.

How do Java plugin and browser validate applet's certificate in intranet?

I need to install our website using Java applet in intranet. This will run under Apache and contains all applet's …

java security applet certificate intranet
How can I extract data from a Java applet (inside the browser)

Well, well, here we go... We have a java applet running on a regular browser (ff4+ or ie5+). I do …

applet sniffing
Print PDF that contains JBIG2 images

Please, suggest me some libraries that will help me print PDF files that contain JBIG2 encoded images. PDFRenderer, PDFBox don't …

java pdf printing applet jbig2
How can I set the publisher name in my signed jar file, using a self-signed certificate?

I've compiled my applet, created a jar file, generated a keystore db with keytool, signed the jar with jarsigner, and …

java security applet certificate signed-applet
Adding a Third Party Library to Java Applet

I have a Java Applet that needs a 3rd party library, but how do I add the jar to the …

java applet classpath party
BouncyCastle Cryptography provider library used with applet on Java 7u40

The case: I am maintaining a Java applet which uses the BouncyCastle libraries bcpkix-jdk15on-149.jar, and bcprov-jdk15on-149.jar. …

applet code-signing bouncycastle jarsigner
Applet lifecycle: what's the practical difference between init() & start(), and destroy() & stop()?

The javadoc and tutorial have information about the four applet lifecycle methods (init() -> start() -> stop() -&…

java applet lifecycle
Connection to a URL from within an applet using Apache's HttpClient vs using the JDK's URLConnection

In the following code, I have verified that connecting to a URL from within an applet preserves the browser's session …

java session applet httpclient urlconnection
Mac OS X: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:

I am trying to use the new LiveConnect features introduced in Java 6 Update 10. Code looks like this (copied from the …

java macos applet liveconnect
How to code the projectile of a ball of different force and angle in Java Swing?

I have written the following function for projectile motion of different force and angle, but it doesn't work properly. Where …

java swing applet physics japplet