Applet means 'small application'. This has become commonly used to describe Java applets embedded in web pages.
I need to install our website using Java applet in intranet. This will run under Apache and contains all applet's …
java security applet certificate intranetWell, well, here we go... We have a java applet running on a regular browser (ff4+ or ie5+). I do …
applet sniffingI've compiled my applet, created a jar file, generated a keystore db with keytool, signed the jar with jarsigner, and …
java security applet certificate signed-appletThe case: I am maintaining a Java applet which uses the BouncyCastle libraries bcpkix-jdk15on-149.jar, and bcprov-jdk15on-149.jar. …
applet code-signing bouncycastle jarsignerThe javadoc and tutorial have information about the four applet lifecycle methods (init() -> start() -> stop() -&…
java applet lifecycleIn the following code, I have verified that connecting to a URL from within an applet preserves the browser's session …
java session applet httpclient urlconnectionI am trying to use the new LiveConnect features introduced in Java 6 Update 10. Code looks like this (copied from the …
java macos applet liveconnect