Top "App-store-connect" questions

Use this tag for questions related to Apple's App Store Connect.

How do you codesign framework bundles for the Mac App Store?

After a recent submission I have gotten the following error: Invalid Signature - the nested app bundle (…

xcode app-store-connect codesign mac-app-store
iTunes connect will not let me add myself as a user

I am working on an app in iTunes connect for a client, under their iTunes connect account. I want to …

Can I change the Bundle Identifier in my app after it's been approved?

I've got my app approved a while ago and used the * provisioning profile so I created somehting like: com.mydomain.…

iphone provisioning app-store-connect
How to get iPhone app users to submit crash reports?

Possible Duplicate: iphone how to get crash log from customers? Some of my users are reporting crashes. What is the …

iphone ios app-store-connect crash-reports
TestFight beta testing for internal testers - Build state is "processing"

I've been using TestFlight for a while but this is the first time I'm submitting a build for beta testing …

ios app-store-connect testflight beta-testing
On Xcode 7 I keep receiving error "No accounts with iTunes connect access"

When I try to submit my app with the new seed Xcode 7.1 beta (7B60) I receive a weird error by …

xcode app-store-connect account submission xcode7.1beta
xcode 6 upload app with error: iTunes Store operation failed Error Description not available

When I try to upload my app to iTC, after validate my app, I begin to submit it . But there …

ios iphone app-store app-store-connect xcode6
iOS app submission and beta review process

I'm currently developing an iOS application for a client. The submission review process to the store can often be a …

ios xcode app-store app-store-connect
How often are sales stats updated on iTunes Connect?

My app was accepted by Apple today and I am trying to figure out how many times it has been …

ios app-store app-store-connect
itunesconnect using application loader behind a firewall

I was trying to upload the app store build zip file of my app to app store. When using behind …

iphone ios app-store-connect application-loader