is it possible to search with the new Twitter Rest API without OAuth.
I simply want to search for tweets with a given hashtag.
For example I call:
where %23 is the encoded "#"
However I allways get
{"errors":[{"message":"Bad Authentication data","code":215}]}
I guess its because im not authenticated...
Is it possible to run a search without OAuth?
The Twitter API docs specify that user-context authentication is required when making a call to search Tweets (see so it looks like you will need to get your hands on Twitter OAuth tokens and sign your request.
If you log in to Twitter and go to the developer dashboard at, you can register a new application: after registering, viewing the application details will give you an "oAuth Tool" tab, where you'll find all the relevant oAuth values for that app: Consumer Key, Consumer Secret, Access Token, and Access Token Secret.
You can then use these credentials, in conjunction with a Twitter wrapper library, to do a Twitter search. There's no need to do the OAuth approval dance on a per-user basis: you should be able to hard-code the values from the Twitter dashboard.