I need to update same field to same value for hundreds of workitems in TFS. Is there any way to do it in a batch instead of updating them manually one by one?
You can do this in Excel:
Full documentation: Managing work items in Excel (overview page; lots & lots of links inside)
You can bulk-edit in the web interface too
Windows command line:
REM make Martin Woodward fix all my bugs
tfpt query /format:id "TeamProject\public\My Work Items" |
tfpt workitem /update @ /fields:"Assigned To=Martin"
# make Bill & Steve happy
$tfs = tfserver -path . -all
$items = $tfs.wit.Query("
SELECT id FROM workitems
WHERE [Created By] IN ('bill gates', 'steve ballmer')") |
% {
$_.Fields["priority"].value = 1
# note: this will be much faster than tfpt since it's only one server call