Top "Apache-commons" questions

The Apache Commons project provides reusable, open source Java software components.

tomcat-dbcp vs commons-dbcp

It seems there is a lot of confusion between these two connection pooling libraries. What I want to know is …

java apache-commons apache-commons-dbcp
Joining a List<String> in Java with commas and "and"

Given a list List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>(); l.add("one"); l.add("two"); l.…

java join apache-commons
Why was org.apache.common.lang3 StringEscapeUtils deprecated?

I couldn't find any explanation why StringEscapeUtils was deprecated from Apache Lang3 v3.7.…

java apache-commons apache-commons-lang apache-commons-lang3
ConfigurationException in Java?

Decided to use Apache's Common Configuration package to parse an XML File. I decided to do a: XMLConfiguration xmlConfig = new …

java apache-commons
CollectionUtils in java using predicate

I have a List<Object> and I want to return the first value that it finds true which …

java collections apache-commons apache-commons-collection
HashCodeBuilder and EqualsBuilder usage style

I often use apache HashCodeBuilder and EqualsBuilder for object equality using reflection, but recently I a colleague told me that …

java hibernate apache-commons
How to find elements in a collection by property?

I have a list of items, and I want to find a list of items that have the boolean property (…

java collections apache-commons
How to replace a placeholder in a String with a SimpleDateFormat Pattern

In a given String like this ".../uploads/${customer}/${dateTime('yyyyMMdd')}/report.pdf" I need to replace a customer and a …

java apache-commons spring-el
Append data into a file using Apache Commons I/O

The FileUtils.writeStringToFile(fileName, text) function of Apache Commons I/O overwrites previous text in a file. I would like …

java file-io apache-commons
Why did I get "FileUploadException: Stream ended unexpectedly" with Apache Commons FileUpload?

What is the reason for encountering this Exception: org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileUploadException: Processing of multipart/form-data request failed. Stream …

java file-upload apache-commons