Top "Apache-commons" questions

The Apache Commons project provides reusable, open source Java software components.

How to fetch parameters when using the Apache Commons CLI library

I'm using the Apache Commons CLI to handle command line arguments in Java. I've declared the a and b options …

java apache-commons apache-commons-cli
Is there any difference between Apache's Base64.encodeBase64 and Android's Base64.encode with Base64.Default flag?

Sample A (using org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64): Base64.encodeBase64("foobar".getBytes()); Sample B (using android.util.Base64): Base64.…

java android base64 apache-commons
Commons CLI required groups

I am writing command line application in Java and I've chosen Apache Commons CLI to parse input arguments. Let's say …

java command-line-interface apache-commons apache-commons-cli
Difference between String.getBytes() and IOUtils.toByteArray()?

I'm testing the IOUtils. I have problems to convert an InputStream into a byte array: private static final String LOREM_…

java junit bytearray apache-commons
Failed to marshal EJB parameters --- IllegalArgumentException: Can not set org.apache.commons.collections.FastHashMap field

I'm getting the below error while trying to save a search results using the Remote interface for "Failed …

jboss7.x apache-commons struts-1 ejb-2.x xdoclet
Speed up Apache Commons FTPClient transfer

I am using Apache Commons FTPClient to upload large files, but the transfer speed is only a fraction of transfer …

java ftp apache-commons
Cleaner way to check if a string is ISO country of ISO language in Java

Suppose to have a two-characters String, which should represent the ISO 639 country or language name. You know, Locale class has …

java validation guava apache-commons iso
Clone InputStream

I'm trying to read data from an InputStream, which could either be a FileInputStream or an ObjectInputStream. In order to …

java inputstream apache-commons apache-commons-io
Why can't I use Apache's StringUtils.join on a List?

When I try StringUtils.join(myList,','); I get a compilation failure: cannot find symbol symbol : method join(java.…

java collections apache-commons apache-stringutils
What is the difference between maxTotal and maxIdle in Apache Commons Pool 2?

I'm using the Apache Commons Pool 2 implementation to have object pool mechanism for my application. As of now, I have …

java apache apache-commons pool