I would like to obtain the following kind of routing:
-> at this moment, I would like to check whether the reply from the external endpoint is a HTTP 200 OK containing a XML parameter equal to SUCCESS. -> if so, then I would like to use some of the stored parameters to construct a new HTTP message (method = PUT this time) and send it out to an external endpoint
Problem that I am currently having, is the following:
.when(simple("${in.headers.CamelHttpResponseCode} == 200"))
// now I want do a few things, eg: check also the XML body via xpath
// and change the message to be sent out (change Method to PUT, ...)
// if no 200 OK, I want the route to be stopped ... not sure how ?
Question: any idea how to add those extra statements in case the HTTP response code was 200 OK ? It looks like the when does not allow me to add extra statements ... (I got an error in my Eclipse IDE).
Thanks in advance.
Note: could it be that I have to route the message in case the 200 OK matches to a 'new endpoint' and then create a new from route with this new endpoint ? Eg:
.when(simple("${in.headers.CamelHttpResponseCode} == 200"))
// if no 200 OK, I want the route to be stopped ... not sure how ?
.setHeader(etc etc)
In this latter case, how exactly should I define this 'newendpoint' ?
In the programming language DSLs such as Java, you can build predicates together. I posted a blog entry some years ago about this at: http://davsclaus.blogspot.com/2009/02/apache-camel-and-using-compound.html
For example having two predicates
Predicate p1 = header("hl7.msh.messageType").isEqualTo("ORM"):
Predicate p2 = header("hl7.msh.triggerEvent").isEqualTo("001");
You can chain them together, using and or or.
Predicate isOrm = PredicateBuilder.and(p1, p2);
And then you can use isOrm in the route
.when(isOrm).beanRef("hl7handler", "handleORM")
.otherwise().beanRef("hl7handler", "badMessage")