Top "Ant" questions

Apache Ant (formerly Jakarta Ant) is a declarative, XML-based build tool created originally for Java projects.

Is it possible to have Ant print out the classpath for a particular target? If so, how?

I'm trying to get a target to build that has quite a long list of <pathelement location="${xxx}"/> …

java ant classpath target
How to see the compiler output when running javac through an Ant task?

Is there any clearly explained and simple way to see the compiler output when running javac through an Ant task? …

java ant output javac
How do I use Nant/Ant naming patterns?

I have to admit that I always forgot the syntactical intracacies of the naming patterns for Nant (eg. those used …

ant nant
Could not load definitions from resource net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml, netbeans

I'm new to Netbeans, and newish (less than a year) to Ruby programming. I've been getting increasingly frustrated with Eclipse …

netbeans ant osx-mountain-lion build.xml
Find working directory from Ant

Is it possible to tell which directory the user ran Ant from? For example, I might want to run only …

java ant
How can I escape double-quotes in ant?

I need to exec the following command from ant, but I can't figure out how to escape the double-quotes: tasklist /…

ant exec
How to build the Android sample projects using Ant? build.xml does not exist

I believe I've followed the instructions in the Android SDK, and I'm now trying to build the sample LunarLander (random …

android ant build android-build
Cannot get ant installed properly for phonegap using eclipse and windows 8

Trying to use Phonegap in Eclipse on windows 8. I've created a project at C:\Development\HelloWorld. In the command line, …

android windows-8 ant cordova
Multiple depends in Ant task

If I have three targets, one all, one compile and one jsps, how would I make all depend on the …

ant depends
Ant + JUnit: NoClassDefFoundError

Ok, I'm frustrated! I've hunted around for a good number of hours and am still stumped. Environment: WinXP, Eclipse Galileo 3.5 (…

java ant junit classpath hamcrest