I'm trying to get a target to build that has quite a long list of <pathelement location="${xxx}"/>
and <path refid="foo.class.path"/>
elements in its <path id="bar.class.path">
element (in the build.xml file). I keep getting "package com.somecompany.somepackage does not exist" errors, and I'm having a hard time chasing down these packages and making sure I've synced them from our repository.
I'm new to this team so I'm unfamiliar with the build, but I would prefer to figure this out myself if possible (so I don't bother the other very busy team members). I have very limited experience with Ant.
I think it would save me quite a bit of time if I could have Ant print out the classpath for the target I'm trying to build.
Use the pathconvert
task to convert a path to a property
<path id="classpath">
<pathconvert property="classpathProp" refid="classpath"/>
<echo>Classpath is ${classpathProp}</echo>