Top "Ansi-escape" questions

ANSI escape code (or escape sequences) is the method of in-band signaling to control formatting, color, and other output options on video text terminals.

What are carriage return, linefeed, and form feed?

What is the meaning of the following control characters: Carriage return Line feed Form feed

newline carriage-return linefeed control-characters ansi-escape
List of ANSI color escape sequences

On most terminals it is possible to colorize output using the \033 ANSI escape sequence. I'm looking for a list of …

colors terminal ansi-escape
Removing colors from output

I have some script that produces output with colors and I need to remove the ANSI codes. #!/bin/bash exec &…

bash unix colors console ansi-escape
How to make win32 console recognize ANSI/VT100 escape sequences?

I'm building a lightweight version of the ncurses library. So far, it works pretty well with VT100-compatible terminals, but …

windows terminal console-application ncurses ansi-escape
How can I remove the ANSI escape sequences from a string in python

This is my string: 'ls\r\n\x1b[00m\x1b[01;\x1b[00m\r\n\x1…

python string escaping ansi-escape
Python: How can I make the ANSI escape codes to work also in Windows?

If I run this in python under linux it works: start = "\033[1;31m" end = "\033[0;0m" print "File is: " + start + "<placeholder&…

python windows python-2.7 ansi-escape
ANSI Color Specific RGB Sequence Bash

I know that in bash terminals a reliable way to change color is using ANSI escape sequences. For example: echo …

Shell Prompt Line Wrapping Issue

I've done something to break my Bash Shell Prompt in OS X (10.5.7) Terminal. This is the PS1 that I had …

bash colors prompt ansi-escape
ANSI questions: "\x1B[?25h" and "\x1BE"

What does "\x1B[?25h" do? How is "\x1BE" different from "\n"? According to …

bash shell terminal ansi-escape
How do i print escape characters as characters?

I'm trying to print escape characters as characters or strings using this code: while((c = fgetc(fp))!= EOF) { if(c == …

c fgetc ansi-escape