In programming, annotations are used to add information to a code element which cannot be expressed by the type system.
I've got quite a lot of pins to put on my map so I think it would be a nice …
iphone annotations mkmapview markerclustererI have two annotation @LookAtThisMethod and @LookAtThisParameter, if I have a pointcut around the methods with @LookAtThisMethod how could I …
java annotations aop aspectjI have a data set of annotations that can update very quickly. At the moment I remove all annotations before …
iphone annotations mkmapview mkannotationviewIs there a way to make classes inherit annotations from a superclass ? e.g. @ApplicationException(rollback=true) public abstract class …
java annotations ejb-3.0I m trying to get the annotation details from super type reference variable using reflection, to make the method accept …
java reflection annotations supertypeThe Checkers Framework references java.lang.annotation.ElementType.TYPE_USE which was added in JDK8. When I use it under …
java annotations javac checker-frameworkI am trying to avoid having an additional xml to define the mapper in mybatis3. Annotation fits right in. I …
orm annotations mapping mybatisI am using reflection to see if an annotation that is attached to a property of a class, is of …
java reflection annotations instanceof isinstanceIs there any benefit of using @NamedQuery over @NamedNativeQuery in hibernate or vice verse. I cant spot the exact difference …
java hibernate annotations hqlI am receiving the following Hibernate Exception: org.hibernate.AnnotationException: @OneToOne or @ManyToOne on cz.rohan.dusps.model.Switchport.konfiguracniTemplateAccess …
java hibernate annotations entity many-to-one