Top "Animated-gif" questions

An animated .GIF image is an image file which displays an animation.

base64 encoded animated gif as css background?

I have an animated gif encoded into my css as such: .magicBg { background-image: url(…

jquery css animated-gif
Animated Image in Win32

How can i put an animated GIF to my dialog in my native Win32 application? I have a loading indicator, …

c++ winapi loading animated-gif
Fastest way to create animated gifs from mp4

I have to batch process a very high number(200,000+) of short mp4s(less then 10s) into animated gifs. I …

linux image-processing ffmpeg imagemagick animated-gif
python: Fatal IO error 11 (Resource temporarily unavailable) on X server :0.0

I am trying to read some Images(and later intend to do some task on them), and while Images are …

python multithreading wxpython animated-gif
How can I embed the new GIFV format on my webpage?

Normally I would embed a gif like so. <img src=""> Although I …

html gif animated-gif
animated gif vs video vs canvas - for speed & file size

Assuming a simple product demo e.g. the one found on i.e. something this isn't …

performance video html5-canvas html5-video animated-gif
Why gif animation doesn't animate when using it in paintComponent()?

I'm using paintComponent() to paint a gif animated image at the backgound of JPanel. It shows up the gif but …

java swing jpanel animated-gif paintcomponent
Convert animated GIF to animated SVG and to get the code of SVG?

I have animated gif.However I would need to export to SVG format.Is it possible to convert an animated …

animated-gif svg-animate