Top "Angularjs-rootscope" questions

Every application has a single root scope.

Is binding objects to angular's $rootScope in a service bad?

In angular, I have an object that will be exposed across my application via a service. Some of the fields …

javascript angularjs angularjs-rootscope
TypeError: "this..." is not a function

I define hostService as follows. The senario is I call first hostService.addListener() in the controller, then the controller may …

javascript angularjs this angularjs-rootscope
How to reset $rootScope?

After user logs out, I need to clean up my $rootScope. I tried $rootScope.$destroy() but that didn't do the …

angularjs rootscope angularjs-rootscope
Best practice for using $rootscope in an Angularjs application?

We have a large Angularjs 1.6 application that has $rootscope scattered throughout the app in over 200 places in filters, services, routes, …

angularjs angularjs-rootscope angularjs-1.6
Removing an object in AngularJS

I have a $rootScope object in AngularJS like this: $rootScope.stuff = { someId: { name: "Patrick", age: 105 }, anotherId: { name: "Joseph", age: 94 } }; I …

javascript angularjs object angularjs-rootscope