Top "Angularjs-ng-click" questions

The `ngClick` directive allows you to specify custom behavior when element is clicked.

Can we have both href and ng-click in Angular.js

I have a text box: <input type="text" ng-model="SearchText" > And a link: <a href="#signout" ng-click="…

angularjs angularjs-ng-click
Angular-material ng-click strange border highlight

I have a problem with using AngularJS and Angular-Material. Take a look at the following code: <div flex="100"> &…

css angularjs angularjs-ng-click angular-material
AngularJS - how to override directive ngClick

I want to override directive ng-click: to some make some $rootscope changes before each execution of ng-click. How to do …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-click
differences between ng-submit and ng-click

In angularjs I'm wondering what the differences are between ng-submit and ng-click? Specifically, pros and cons of each and when …

angularjs submit form-submit angularjs-ng-click
Toggle css on ng-click

This is the basic idea of my code: HTML (jade): #preferencesBox(ng-click="toggleCustom()") .glyphicon.glyphicon-heart CSS:{ color: #d04…

css angularjs angularjs-ng-click
Angular ng-click event delegation

So if i have a ul with 100 li's should there be ng-clicks in each li or is there a way …

angularjs angularjs-ng-repeat angularjs-ng-click
append a html include ng-click in angularjs

i have this code in mycontroller i will add this html() to my html, all it right just ng-click dos …

angularjs angularjs-ng-click
AngularJS: ngTouch 300ms Delay

This Plunkr has 2 links. The one on the left side is using the ng-click directive with the on angular-touch module …

javascript angularjs mobile angularjs-ng-click
AngularJS - accessing ng-click in custom directive

I'm trying to get my head around directives, i can easily use the template function to throw out my HTML, …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-scope angularjs-ng-click
How to test if using angularJS and jqlite?

After a click pass the event to ctrl. I want to write a conditional that will return true if the …

javascript angularjs dom-events angularjs-ng-click jqlite