Top "Angular6" questions

Questions about Angular version 6, the web framework from Google.

Provided data source did not match an array, Observable, or DataSource at getTableUnknownDataSourceError

I am new to Angular and Angular Material , Without Angular Materail it is working fine <table> <tr&…

angular6 jsonparser angular-material-6
How to set image upload size limit (for example 2mb maximum) in Angular

we are trying to set a limit on the size of the image like maximum it should be 2mb. We …

angular typescript angular6 ng2-file-upload
How to pass angular component to Nebular dialog service

I'm trying to create a web dialog on Agnular6 using Nebular components. There are two ways to do this, the …

typescript dialog angular6 nebular ngx-admin
How to use exceljs in angular 6

When I tried to use exceljs in Angular-6 like so import * as excel from 'exceljs' createExcel() { let workbook = new excel.…

angular6 exceljs
how to use webSocket in angular 6

i need to use webSocket to make a communication between spring and angular 6 (notification), i tried to import stompjs, sockJs-client …

spring websocket sockjs angular6 stompjs
Angular material table with data source: pagination and filter is not working

I have the following angular material table with data source property: <div class="dim"> <mat-form-field > <…

angular pagination datasource angular6 angular-material-6
Can't override the angular material theme with my css properties

I am using Angular 6.0.8 with Angular Material theme version 6.4.0 Whenever I try to slightly modify the material theme, it never …

css angular angular6 angular-material2 angular-material-6
Angular 6 adding change event on drop down list is giving an error of undefined value

I am having a drop list generated at each row of data: <ng-container matColumnDef="status_change"> <th …

angular angular-material angular6 onchange event-binding
Visual Studio 2017 Angular 6 shows "Cannot Get /" First Try Only

I am using Visual Studio 2017 15.8.3 with .Net Core 2.1 and Angular 6. I used the template to create the project and upgraded … angular visual-studio-2017 angular6
how to add an object to an observable of array

I have an angular project with a service called BookService. private books: Subject<Book[]>; getBookList(skip:number = 0,limit:…

angular angular6 subject-observer