Top "Angular5" questions

Questions about Angular version 5, the web framework from Google.

Dynamically append component to div in Angular 5

I have this I managed to dynamically append an element, but it doesn't get compiled. I …

angular typescript angular-directive angular5
Migrating Angular 4.x to Angular 5

I have read the following blogs and documentation Angular Blog Alligator IO Docs Official Documentation and no clear information about …

angular angular5
Display Json Array Angular 5 HttpClient

I'm a beginner in Angular5 and I need your help... I made an API in my backend (Java/Spring Boot) …

json httpclient frontend display angular5
Missing *.ts files (due to `npm link` ?)

I have this import statement in an Angular5 project: import {plugins, SCECodeGenType} from 'sce-plugins/code-generation'; this resolves to this path …

angular typescript angular-cli angular5 tsc
How to customize the ngx-bootstrap datepicker

I want to customize the ngx-bootstrap datepicker popup. Basically I want to add link/button in the calendar showing date …

angular datepicker angular5 customization ngx-bootstrap
PrimeNG Dynamic Column Filtering

I currently have the following PrimeNG TurboTable: <p-table [value]="People" > <ng-template pTemplate="header"> <tr> &…

angular typescript angular5 primeng primeng-turbotable
Switch themes in angular material 5

I been reading a few articles on this but they seem to be conflicting in several different ways. I am …

angular sass angular-material angular5
Type 'ElementRef' is not generic

I am working with a project using Material Component in Angular 5. I did update my Visual code but I don't …

angular angular5 angular2-template angular2-forms angular2-services
How to change time from 24 to 12 hour format in angular 5

I have used input type time in my application to receive time: <mat-input-container> <input matInput formControlName="start_…

angular angular5 angular-pipe
How to make a 'mat-select' readonly?

I am working on a angular 5 project. There are many mat-select elements which is supposed to be readonly like text …

angular angular-material angular5