Top "Angular2-services" questions

Use this tag for questions related to Angular 2 Services, which are JavaScript functions responsible for performing a single task.

Angular 2 animate *ngFor list item one after other using new Animation support in RC 5

I have a component that fetches list of items from server and then display that list using *ngFor in template. …

angular typescript angular2-template angular2-services
Get and update a string through a service in Angular 2

I'm trying to better understand services by means of a very simple application which gets and updates the value of …

angular angular2-services
Angular 2 - communication of typescript functions with external js libraries

Using Javascript Infovis Toolkit as an external library for drawing graph and trees. I need to manipulate the onClick method …

javascript typescript angular webpack angular2-services
Dynamically load different css files in angular2 application based on user's language

I have an Angular2 application and it need to support multiple languages. Some of these languages may be RTL (i.…

angular angular2-services
Is it possible to use HostListener in a Service? Or how to use DOM events in an Angular service?

I want to create a service which detects all keyboard input, translates the key strokes into actions based on a …

angular angular2-services
angular2 data binding between service and component properties

I need some clarification on binding between service and component properties and data binding in angular2 assume i have a …

data-binding angular angular2-services two-way
How can a mock a http observable in Angular2 for when no api is written

I'm new to both Angular2 and Rxjs and I am a little confused about a particular case. I have a …

javascript angular rxjs angular2-services
Angular 2 get routeParams in a service

I want to shift the logic from component to service. But I found out that I can't get the routeParams …

angular angular2-routing angular2-services
How to create a new object of type 'T' in generic class in typescript?

I have the following service @Injectable() export class CollectionService<T> { constructor(protected http: Http) {} factory<T>(…

angular typescript angular2-services typescript-generics
Can you use @ViewChild() or similar with a router-outlet? How if so?

I repeatedly run into a situation where I'd like to access a child component existing on the other side of …

angular angular2-routing angular2-services