Top "Angular2-http" questions

For questions directly related to the use of the Http service in Angular.

Set base url for angular 2 http requests

I am trying to set base url for all my angular 2 http requests. Following is the basic set up for …

angular angular2-http
Angular 2 - Routing - CanActivate work with Observable

I have an AuthGuard (used for routing) that implements CanActivate. canActivate() { return this.loginService.isLoggedIn(); } My problem is, that the …

angular angular2-routing angular2-http
Is it necessary to unsubscribe from observables created by Http methods?

Do you need to unsubscribe from Angular 2 http calls to prevent memory leak? fetchFilm(index) { var sub = this._http.get(`…

angular memory-leaks rxjs angular2-http
Angular 2 is not sending the request

When I make a post request the angular 2 http is not sending this request, JSON.…

angular angular2-http
angular 2 http withCredentials

I'm am trying to use withCredentials to send a cookie along to my service but can't find out how to …

angular angular2-services angular2-http
How to synchronise Angular2 http get?

I understand using observable I can execute a method when the request is completed, but how can i wait till …

javascript angular typescript angular2-http
Error: XHR error (404 Not Found) loading angular2/http

I am using angular-cli for my Angular2 application. Whenever I try to load angular2/http in my Components/Services no …

angular angular2-http angular-cli
Get Image or byte data with http

For a web application I need to get my images with an ajax request because we have signature + authentication on …

javascript angular angular2-http
Angular 2 HTTPS request

How to configure and make a https request from angular 2? Couldn't find any resources on it. Can please someone guide …

angular https angular2-services angular2-http