ngbPopover with html inside

Ivan picture Ivan · Jul 25, 2017 · Viewed 14.1k times · Source

Is it possible to put html inside ngbPopover? Exactly, I need to put list of items. Currently I have this parameters:

`ngbPopover="{{column.popup.get(row)}}" triggers="mouseenter:mouseleave" popoverTitle="{{column.popup.title | translate}}" container="body"`


pkozlowski.opensource picture pkozlowski.opensource · Jul 25, 2017

Yes, but you need to use <ng-template> element like so:

<ng-template #popContent>Hello, <b>{{name}}</b>!</ng-template>
<button type="button" class="btn btn-secondary" [ngbPopover]="popContent" popoverTitle="Fancy content">
  I've got markup and bindings in my popover!

Here is a working plunker:

This is also documented on out demo page: