How can I conditionally use either [href] or [routerLink] on an anchor?

Toolkit picture Toolkit · Jun 9, 2017 · Viewed 25.7k times · Source

I need for the same anchor link to be pointed conditionally locally or to external resource. I tried

<a [href]="outside?externalUrl:null"  [routerLink]="outside?[]:['/route',id]" >test</a>

But it doesn't work. I don't get any errors, but it points to the same local page and ignores the external URL. Any ideas?

Another option would be to construct the link, but I can't find any docs how to access routerLink inside a service

Edit: I know I can clone the whole link with *ngIf but I don't want to do it, my link contains a video tag with a buch of options


developer033 picture developer033 · Jun 9, 2017

The simplest way would be to use *ngIf / else:

<ng-container *ngIf="outside; else internalBlock">
  <a [href]="externalUrl">External</a>

<ng-template #internalBlock>
  <a [routerLink]="['/route', id]">Internal</a>

EDIT#1: (Ugly workaround)

Since you don't want to use *ngIf (I still don't understand why), you can do this:


<a href="javascript:void(0)" (click)="handleClick(outside, '/route', id, externalUrl)">Link</a>


handleClick(outside: boolean, internalUrl: string, internalId: string, externalUrl: string): void {
  if (outside) {
    window.location.href = externalUrl;
    // You can also use Location class of Angular
  } else {