Top "Angular-ui" questions

AngularUI is the enhancement companion suite to the AngularJS framework.

How to close Angular UI Modal from anywhere

I am using the Angular UI bootstrap modal dialog and create it within a service: myApp.factory('ModalService', ['$modal', …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap angularjs-service
ui-router resolve with dynamic parameters

This is probably simple but I can't find anything in the docs and googling didn't help. I'm trying to define …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-router
Angular UI Router: How do I get parent view to be "active" when navigating to nested view?

I'm working on a project that has implemented the UI router and it's using ui-sref-active="active" to add the active …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-router
angularjs ui-router - how to build master state which is global across app

<html ng-app="app"> <head> ... </head> <body> <div id="header"></…

angularjs angular-ui
Angular-ui modal - pass data into modal

I am trying to pass some model data into a modal window when it is opened. When the user clicks …

angularjs modal-dialog angular-ui jquery-isotope
Angular ui-router get asynchronous data with resolve

I want to display a form with data corresponding to the edited item. I use ui-router for routing. I defined …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-router
Angular UI Bootstrap Dialog Width

The Angular UI Bootstrap Dialog is easy to implement, but difficult to customise. How on earth do you change the …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap
Angular UI select : Fetch data from remote service

I am using angular UI select. I looked around the demo's available at this plunkr …

javascript html angularjs angular-ui
AngularJS. Clear $timeout when invoking angular-ui modal

I have several $timeout expressions in Modal controller App.controller('ModalCtrl', function ($scope, $timeout) { for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { (…

javascript angularjs timeout angular-ui
AngularJS change route by ng-click using ui-router

How can I change the route.state using ng-click instead of a link applying ui-sref. I've tried this: <button …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-router