Top "Angular-ui" questions

AngularUI is the enhancement companion suite to the AngularJS framework.

How can I use Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdown in AngularJS

I want to use Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdown in AngularJS. I hear that it's necessary to …

twitter-bootstrap angularjs angularjs-directive angular-ui
Directing the user to a child state when they are transitioning to its parent state using UI-Router

Consider the following: .state('manager.staffList', {url:'^/staff?alpha', templateUrl: 'views/staff.list.html', data:{activeMenu: 'staff'}, controller: 'staffListCtrl'}) .…

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router angular-ui
Angular-ui modal, sending data into modal controller from $http

I'm using the angular-ui modal directive . I have followed the example from the link above. …

angularjs angular-ui
How to make Automated Dynamic Breadcrumbs with AngularJS + Angular UI Router

One key component to web applications is breadcrumbs/navigation. With Angular UI Router, it would make sense to put the …

javascript angularjs angular-ui breadcrumbs
angularjs text area character counter

Hi I have a characeter counter for a text area. My problem is that it doesn't count spaces or linebreaks. …

angularjs angularjs-directive angularjs-ng-repeat angular-ui
Angular ui bootstrap directive template missing

I'm currently testing out angular bootstrap-UI locally on my machine. When I try to recreate the example of accordion and …

angularjs angular-ui
using element.AddClass to add an angular js directive, which is restricted to act as a 'class'

I made a directive in angular js restricted it to act as a class and this directive makes my element …

angularjs angularjs-directive angular-ui
How to prevent scrolling of the body content when bootstrap modal is open

I am using Angular UI Bootstrap Modal box. When the modal opens the body has a scroll. When I scroll …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap angular-ui
angular ui modal after close event

Is there a way I can call a function after a modal window got called (no matter if it happened …

javascript jquery twitter-bootstrap angularjs angular-ui
What is the difference between "dismiss" a modal and "close" a modal in Angular UI-Bootstrap?

What is the difference between "dismiss" a modal and "close" a modal? close(result) - a method that can be …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-bootstrap