Top "Angular-ui-router" questions

UI-Router evolves the concept of an AngularJS Route into a more general concept of a State for managing complex application UI states.

Parameters for states without URLs in ui-router for AngularJS

I am using ui-router to represent states in my AngularJS app. In it I'd like to change the state without …

angularjs angular-ui-router
AngularJS - UI Router - programmatically add states

Is there a way to programmatically add states to $stateProvider after module configuration, in e.g. service ? To add more …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router angular-services
Angular ui-router: how to prevent access to a state

Hello I'm new to angularJS and have been trying to prevent access to certain states based on user critera. This, …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router
Query string parameter in ui-router urls?

I have these states: .state('quotes', { abstract: true, url: '/quotes' }) .state('', { url: '/new', templateUrl: 'views/quote-form.…

angularjs angular-ui-router
Angular UI, Bootstrap Navbar Collapse and Javascript

I have trouble with UI-Router in many ways. I don't understand how it interacts with other frameworks. Namely, I am …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap angular-ui angular-ui-router
Apply loading spinner during ui-router resolve

resolve property of $routeProvider allows to execute some jobs BEFORE corresponding view is rendered. What if I want to display …

angularjs web-applications angular-ui-router single-page-application
How to ng-hide and ng-show views using angular ui router?

Imagine an application has a List page, such as a table showing a list of users. There is a button …

javascript jquery angularjs angular-ui-router
How to do an angularjs multi-step/wizard form on one page/url

I'm trying to figure out reasonable approaches in AngularJS for creating a function that is composed of multiple steps (i.…

angularjs angular-ui-router
Module build failed: Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass'

Module build failed: Error: Cannot find module 'node-sass' Also run the commands, sudo npm install node-sass --save sudo npm rebuild …

angular github angular-ui-router node-sass
AngularJS - UI-router - How to configure dynamic views

I have had difficultly finding any documentation on utilizing the ui-router dynamically via a database. Par for the course, everything …

angularjs angular-ui-router