Top "Angular-ui-router" questions

UI-Router evolves the concept of an AngularJS Route into a more general concept of a State for managing complex application UI states.

Angular 4 - Could not resolve submodule for routing

I'm building a webapp with Angular 4. I have a top-level routing module and a separate routing module for each submodule (…

angular angular-ui-router
Injecting $state (ui-router) into $http interceptor causes circular dependency

What I'm trying to achieve I would like to to transition to a certain state (login) in case an $http …

angularjs angular-ui-router
Angular ui-router get asynchronous data with resolve

I want to display a form with data corresponding to the edited item. I use ui-router for routing. I defined …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-router
how do return the $ from ui-router statechange

I would like to return the .state('name') when I change location in angular. From my run() it can return …

javascript angularjs routes angular-ui-router
Prevent a stateChange with angular ui router without using $rootScope

My user can leave a state but before I want to show a modal dialog "Do you want to save?" …

angularjs angular-ui-router
Autoscroll to TOP with ui-router and Angularjs

I've read so many different problems with this and none of the solution given seem to fit my use case. …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router
ui router - nested views with shared controller

I have an abstract parent view that is meant to share a controller with its nested views. .state('edit', { abstract: …

angularjs angular-ui-router
AngularJS change route by ng-click using ui-router

How can I change the route.state using ng-click instead of a link applying ui-sref. I've tried this: <button …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-router
Angular UI-Router How to create a "layout" state?

Given an HTML file like so: <html> <header ui-view="header"></header> <div class="…

angularjs angular-ui-router
stop angular-ui-router navigation until promise is resolved

I want to prevent some flickering that happens when rails devise timeout occurs, but angular doesn't know until the next …

angularjs angular-ui-router promise