UI-Router evolves the concept of an AngularJS Route into a more general concept of a State for managing complex application UI states.
Needs some guidance with respect to migrating my ngRoute configuration to a ui.router configuration. Currently I have one main …
angularjs migration angular-ui-router ngrouteHow to display a navbar on every page except landingpage, so that not have to attach a navbar file on …
javascript angularjs twitter-bootstrap angular-ui-router angularjs-ng-includeI'am looking for the following possibility: $stateProvider.state('user', angularAMD.route({ url: '/user/:id', templateUrl: 'views/user.html', controllerUrl: …
angularjs angular-ui-router state exit enterI've setup navigation as follows, using ng-repeat, which works very well <a ui-sref="{{link.Route}}" ng-click="clickLink(link)"> &…
angularjs routing angular-ui-router angularjs-routing ui-srefIn an Angular setting, I have chose Angular UI-router to switch between views. My config looks as follows: .config(function($…
angularjs seo angular-ui-router angular-routingI'm using the ui-router for the state transitions and I ran into an issue and not able to resolve it. …
jquery angularjs angular-ui-router ui-srefSummary : When using <base href="/prod/public/" /> , it adds the directory path in routing urls e.x. http://…
angularjs .htaccess angular-ui-router ui-sref base-tagSummary : I have a form in view(first) of my angular application and on success response from the ajax call …
angularjs controller angular-ui-router angular-services data-sharingI am working with using the Angular router to dynamically add breadcrumbs. I have followed several examples and have gotten …
angular angular-ui-router lazy-loading breadcrumbsI currently have a project built with Angular that I'm deploying to the Phonegap Build service to create iOS and …
angularjs cordova phonegap-build angular-ui-router