Top "Angular-ui-router" questions

UI-Router evolves the concept of an AngularJS Route into a more general concept of a State for managing complex application UI states.

AngularJs and Angular-UI-Router routes permissions

I'm facing an issue on how to implement route restrictions based on remote data gotten from the server. Suppose I …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router user-permissions
How to add search parameter to the URL using AngularJS UI Router .go()?

Is there a way to add a search parameter to the URL when using UI-Router's $state.go()? I would like …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router
AngularJS: How to remove #!/ (bang prefix) from URL?

I already have done $locationProvider.html5Mode(true); but it is not working. Whenever I access it …

angularjs routing angular-ui-router angularjs-1.6
How does ionic history work and when is a non-root stack created?

I'm using ionic v1.0.0 and do not understand the way parallel history managed by $ionicHistory works. Especially on Android devices, …

angularjs angular-ui-router ionic-framework
Localize URL's with ui-router and angular-translate

I am using ui-router for routing and angular-translate for translations. What i would like to achieve is having the selected …

angularjs angular-ui-router angular-translate
AngularJS, ui.router, load template and controller based on user role

I have developed a Single Page App that uses a REST api. Users are required to login to access the …

angularjs templates controller angular-ui-router user-roles
How to make angular ui-router's parent state always execute controller code when state changes?

Let's say we have a parent-child relationship defined in our $stateProvider as follows: .state('myProfile', { url: "/my/profile", templateUrl: 'my/…

javascript angularjs state angular-ui angular-ui-router
Angular UI Router: Different states with same URL?

The landing page of my app has two states: home-public, home-logged-in. Now I want to show both states on the …

javascript angularjs angular-ui-router
Handling trailing slashes in angularUI router

It's been hours since I started working on this problem and I can't seem to get my head around the …

angularjs angular-ui angular-ui-router angular-routing
migrating from ngRoute/$routeProvider to ui-router/$urlRouterProvider

I want to start using Angular's ui-router instead of ngRoute. Originally, my app config looked like myApp.config(["$routeProvider", function($…

angularjs routes angular-ui-router ngroute