Top "Angular-routing" questions

The ngRoute module provides routing and deeplinking services and directives for AngularJS apps.

Still getting 'Not Found' when manually refreshing with angular.js route

After reading a ton of write-ups and stackoverflow questions on Angular.js route, I'm still getting the 'Not Found' error …

javascript .htaccess angularjs angular-routing
Routing to static html page in Angular 6+

I have an Angular project with 3 components country, region, home. When I load the home page, I have route setup …

angular angular-routing angular-router
Angular: How to get component instance of router-outlet

html: <router-outlet></router-outlet> component: @Component({ selector: 'xx', templateUrl: './xx.html', styleUrls: ['./xx.css'], providers: [ …

angular angular-ui-router angular2-routing angular-routing
Angular UI router - access state params in parent

I have an Angular App using the great ui-router. My setup looks like: .config( function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) { $stateProvider // PROJECT DETAIL .…

angularjs angular-ui angular-routing
Angular Inject $http into config or provider into run

I am using angular-route-segment in my angular app and an trying to configure the segments from a json feed. I …

angularjs angular-routing angular-route-segment
AngularJS multiple templates in one page

I have an index that serves a static header menu, and below that an ng-view that based on route, selects …

angularjs angularjs-directive angular-routing ng-view angular-template
Change a single route parameter on the current route in Angular 2

Is it possible to change a single route parameter in the current route, while keeping all the other parameters? This …

angular angular2-routing angular-routing
MEAN stack: angular routing vs express routing

I've started using angular in my express generated projects and i'm loving it. Recently I implemented angular routing into one …

angularjs express routing mean-stack angular-routing