I use Angular2 alpha39 and Babel to transpile the ES6 JS file. I'm not using typescript.
I created a component which displays correctly. I added a router-outlet to the template. When I run the app, I get the error message:
No provider for Router! (RouterOutlet -> Router)
The call stack is:
Here is the snippet of code:
.... // Removed for brevity
<div class="contenttext">
.... // Removed for brevity
Component file:
import { Component, View, bootstrap, OnInit } from 'angular2/angular2';
import { RouteConfig, RouterOutlet, RouterLink } from 'angular2/router';
import 'reflect-metadata';
import 'winjs';
selector: 'dashboard-app'
templateUrl: '../js/dashboard.html',
directives: [ ContentComponent, FamiliesComponent, RouterOutlet, RouterLink ]
{ path: '/employees', component: EmployeesComponent, as: 'employees'}
class DashboardAppComponent implements OnInit {
constructor() {
onInit() {
WinJS.UI.processAll().done(function() {
var splitView = document.querySelector(".splitView").winControl;
new WinJS.UI._WinKeyboard(splitView.paneElement);
you have to use:
i hope this will surely help you.
after the relese of alpha41:
has been changed with ROUTER_PROVIDERS
in your directives property in the component annotation.Router-link
expects the value to be an array of route names. for more info. refer here .for more info regarding Routing you may refer to this tutorial here .
(According to alpha-47 all life cycle hooks renamed as.)
onActivate, onReuse, onDeactivate, canReuse, canDeactivate
To :--
is changed to routerLink
and routeconfig property changed to:
{path: '/abc', component: ABC, as: 'abc'}
{path: '/xyz' , component: XYZ, name: 'xyz'}
There are alot of changes has been made in routing in angular2 after RC some of them points i am going to mention here may help someone :-
has been changed with @angular/router
(also you can use old functionality of routing using import of @angular/router-deprecated
but as of now we have to use @angular/router
has been changed with @Routes
for example :-
{path: '/crisis-center', component: CrisisListComponent},
{path: '/heroes', component: HeroListComponent}