Top "Angular-promise" questions

Angular's $q promises provide a powerful abstraction over flow control.

Immediately return a resolved promise using AngularJS

I'm trying to get my head around promises in JavaScript (in particular AngularJS). I have a function in a service, …

javascript angularjs promise restangular angular-promise
AngularJS promise

AngularJS docs say: $q promises are recognized by the templating engine in angular, which means that in templates you can …

angularjs angular-promise
AngularJS $promise then() data undefined

I am trying to get data assigned to a $scope variable. Inside my $promise.then() function it is displaying correctly …

javascript angularjs angularjs-scope angular-resource angular-promise
Does never resolved promise cause memory leak?

I have a Promise. I created it to cancel an AJAX request if needed. But since I don't need to …

javascript angularjs memory-leaks promise angular-promise
AngularJS $http call in a Service, return resolved data, not promises

I want to know if it is possible to make a service call that uses $http so it returns data …

javascript angularjs angular-promise
Finally gets called immediately before promise gets fulfilled

I'm trying to execute a check once promise gets fulfilled in angularjs. request.then(function(res){ $ionicLoading.hide(); deferred.resolve(…

angularjs angular-promise
Chain Angular $http calls properly?

I have been reading about $q and promises for days now and I seem to understand it...somewhat. I have …

angularjs angular-promise
What's the equivalent of Angular's $q in Angular2?

What's the equivalent of Angular's $q in Angular2? Specifically, I'm looking for $q.when, which allowed you to do something …

javascript angularjs angular angular-promise
How can I access a variable outside a promise `.then` method?

I'm working on a Spotify app. I'm able to login and get my token. My problem is I cannot access …

javascript angularjs angular-promise
success and error function in the controller for a service

I have the following code in a service and I am calling fetchData function from the controller. Service app.service("…

javascript angularjs angularjs-service angularjs-http angular-promise