Top "Angular-material" questions

Angular Material is an implementation of Material Design in Angular.

Can't bind to 'matMenuTriggerFor' since it isn't a known property of 'button'

I'm getting following error when I try to test an angular component: Error while running jest tests: Can't bind to …

angular angular-material karma-jasmine jestjs
Calling renderRows() on Angular Material Table

I'm trying to get my Angular Table to refresh after updating the data used in the table. The docs say "…

angular methods angular-material viewchild
Error: Template parse errors: 'mat-card' is not a known element:

I started an Angular 4 Material project about two months ago with all the current npm installs at that time, and …

angular angular-material angular5
Set font size of Angular Material Tooltip

I am very new to web development, and I cannot figure out how to solve the following issue, although it …

css angular tooltip angular-material angular-material2
How to set color of toggle buttons

I have group of toggle buttons. They are very light and disappear in the background on poor monitors with a …

angular angular-material angular5
How to mat-button-toggle by default selected in angular

How can I set default selected last button in toggle group. This is my code. <mat-button-toggle-group #group="matButtonToggleGroup"> &…

angular angular-material angular5
text-align in md-grid-tile (Angular Material) doesn't work

text-align in Angular Material <md-grid-tile> doesn't work. <md-grid-tile>{{video.created}}</md-grid-tile> <md-grid-tile>{{…

angular-material text-align
Angular 6 Material: mat-tab-link be selected by underlining bar

I have a mat-tab-nav-bar navigation bar for my website, but the mat-tab-link blue underlining bar won't chase the active button. …

angular typescript angular-material navigationbar
Can't get angular-material md-sidenav to be 100% height

I'm making a new angular2 application using angular2-material with a sidenav. And I can't for the life of me …

css angular angular-material
How to make an Angular Material table responsive

I have a simple table with numerous columns, and I would like the columns to shrink automatically when sizing the …

angularjs angular-material material-design-lite