Top "Angular-material-7" questions

Angular Material2 is an implementation of Material Design in Angular.

Angular Material multi Select

I'm after a bit of advice with using Angular Material 7 multi selects. The documentation doesn't help that much with what …

angular angular7 angular-material-7
Use font awesome 5 on angular material 7

I'm using angular 7.0.1 and angular material 7.0.2, I want to add the font awesome 5.4.2 icons and I'm trying to follow the …

font-awesome-5 icon-fonts angular7 angular-material-7
StaticInjectorError(AppModule)[MatDialogTitle -> MatDialogRef]

Im familiar with this error but I only started seeing this after updating to Angular Material 6.4.7. All my modules refer …

angular-material-6 angular-material-7
How to change toggle icon of mat-expansion-panel?

The default icon for toggling a mat-expansion-panel is >. Setting hideToggle true just hides the toggle icon. Is there any …

javascript angular typescript angular-material angular-material-7
How Can I customize mat-form-field in disabled state

I am trying to customize the angular material mat-form-field : I was able to customize the underline border using : ::ng-deep.mat-form-field-ripple { …

angular angular-material angular7 angular-material-7
how to show the Scrollbar below the Sidenav Toolbar in AngularMaterial-7

Please help me to achieve the below two methods: 1) How to show the sidenav scrollbar below the toolbar in the …

angular scrollbar angular-material-7
Angular Material 7 Drag and Drop x and y coordinates

I have a container with an element inside it. I want to be able to drag the element to another …

drag-and-drop angular-material angular-material-7
Customize angular material mat-menu-item to show items smaller in size (both width and height)

I am working on an angular application using angular material components. In a grid, I have inline actions that should …

angular angular-material-7