Top "Angular-directive" questions

At a high level, directives are markers on a DOM element (such as an attribute, element name, comment or CSS class) that tells the Angular 2+ framework to attach a specified behavior to that DOM element or even transform the DOM element and its children.

Remove host component tag from html in angular 4

I have a table in which I want to display a table row, which is a component. And also I …

html css angular angular-directive angular-template
How to instantiate and apply directives programmatically?

I know that in ng2 we have ComponentFactoryResolver that can resolve factories that we can apply to a ViewContainerRef. But, …

angular projection angular-directive angular2-template
angular-ui-tree: dropped location + catch dropped event in directive

I'm using angular-ui-tree for building a tree of items in my app. I'm using its drag & drop feature and …

angularjs twitter-bootstrap-3 angular-directive angular-ui-tree
Angularjs form validation order

I have a simple html form containing regular text input. ng-minlength, ng-maxlength and ng-pattern angular built-in form input directives are …

javascript angularjs forms validation angular-directive
*ngIf does not react to boolean change

Here are some pieces of code. This same pattern (afaik) works for the hero tutorial. login.component.html: <div …

angular angular2-directives angular-directive
How can I grab an element's attr data in angular with jqlite?

How can I grab an element's attr data in angular with jqlite? html, <button ng-click="loadForm($event)" href="form.…

angularjs angular-directive jqlite
Extending Directives in Angular 4

I'm trying to extend NgbPopover in order to dispatch a custom action when the popover's open or close methods are …

angular angular-ui-bootstrap angular-directive ng-bootstrap bootstrap-popover
how to correctly use dotdotdot for overflow text in angular 5?

I would like to create a directive which apply ... when overflow. I have used dotdotdot jQuery plugin in the past …

angular jquery-plugins angular-directive