Top "Angular-components" questions

A component controls a patch of screen called a view.

Consuming multiple properties via Input decorator in angular 2

I have this component that receives two inputs via its selector, but this can be extended to any number of …

angular typescript angular-components angular-decorator
How can I load content into another component with on click event? (Angular 4)

I have the following problem: in the sidebar is my menu and I would like if I click on the …

angular angular-components event-binding
How to inject SVG icon sprites in Angular component HTML DOM?

I am building an Angular application (Angular 4/5/6) and would like to use SVG sprites in my component template. Question: Assuming …

angular svg angular-components svg-sprite
Angular2: How to show inner HTML of component-tags inside of component?

I have a question for angular2. I'm creating some components and want to have something like this: This is my …

html angularjs angular angular-components
Easy way to create / generate new Angular component in Visual Studio IDE?

Working on ASP.NET core project (Angular) & Visual Studio as my IDE. Is there an easy way to generate …

angular visual-studio angular-components
Custom component FormControl breaking if reinitializing FormGroup from parent

I got a problem when reinitializing formGroup from parent component that is used in my custom component. Error that i …

angular angular-components
Angular component won't display

I have piece of html I want to show as a component, as I'm not manipulating the DOM. As a …

javascript angularjs web-component angular-directive angular-components
Angular form submit event firing twice between parent and child components

I have a strange problem where by the form submit event of my child form is firing twice on my …

javascript angular forms typescript angular-components
Angular 1.5+ component optional one-way binding

Taken from the AngularJS 1 documentation: You can also make the binding optional by adding ? : <? or <?attr. How does …

javascript angularjs angular-components
Accessibility parent component from child component when parent component using ng-content Angular

I'm trying to access parent component from child component using dependence injection. It works, I can access to parent to …

angular angular-components angular2-ngcontent