Accessibility parent component from child component when parent component using ng-content Angular

Nguyen Tran picture Nguyen Tran · Feb 19, 2017 · Viewed 8.4k times · Source

I'm trying to access parent component from child component using dependence injection. It works, I can access to parent to using its methods and properties but I have not seen this approach on Angular doc. So do you have any idea about this approach? Should I use it?

Because the parent component using ng-content (like transclude angularjs) so I cannot using EventEmitter @Output approach.

The bellow is my code:

wizard.component.ts (parent)

import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'wizard',
    template: `
export class WizardComponent implements OnInit {
    steps = [];

    constructor() { }

    addStep(step) {

    ngOnInit() { }

step.component.ts (child)

import { WizardComponent } from './wizard.component';
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core';

    selector: 'step',
    template: `
        <div>Step <ng-content></ng-content></div>
export class StepComponent implements OnInit {
    constructor(private parent: WizardComponent) { 

    ngOnInit() { }

app.component.html (main app)


Looking forward to hearing your opinions. Thanks!


Aravind picture Aravind · Feb 19, 2017

Parent Component-> Wizard Component

  selector: 'wizard',
  template: `
      <steps [steps]="steps"> </steps>
      <button> Back </button>
      <button> Next </button>
      <button (click)="addStep()"> Add a step </button>
export class WizardComponent {
  steps:any[]=new Array();
  constructor() {
    let count = parseInt(this.steps.count) + 1;


StepComponent -> Child component

  selector: 'steps',
  template: `
      <span *ngFor="let step of steps">
            <label> {{}} </label>
             <div> {{}} </div>
export class StepsComponent {
  @Input() steps:any[]=new Array();
  constructor() {



Update 1: Different elements will be present in each steps, so I suggest you to use the <ng-content> as below

     <ng-content select=".step-body"> </ng-content>


Your wizard will look like

                <div class="step-body">
                hi hello

                <div class="step-body">
                something else
