Top "Angular-animations" questions

Use this tag to better reference animations in angular versions 2.0 and over or the BrowserAnimationsModule.

How to animate :enter & :leave transitions conditionally in Angular?

I have a list, where the items have an animation like this: <li @animation> And this is my …

angular angular-animations
Expand input width dynamically to the length of string

I am trying to create an input field that expands at least in width dynamically with the length of the …

css angular angular5 angular-material2 angular-animations
Angular 4 animation to height *

I've been puzzled with something I possibly think is a bug in the animation-module in Angular 4. With the animations in …

angular animation wildcard angular-animations
Angular 5: fade animation during routing (CSS)

I have 2 routes : export const appRoutes: Route[] = [ { path: 'page1', component: Page1Component, data: { animation: 'page1' } }, { path: 'page2', …

css angular angular-animations
Animating with variables Angular 4

I'm using @angular/animations: 4.4.6 to try and have an expand/collapse animation for a component that will display lots of …

html css angular animation angular-animations
Angular 4 component responsive animations

I am working on an Angular responsive app, which on mobile it has a drawer. I love Web Animations API …

angular media-queries angular-animations web-animations
Angular router transition animations slide both left and right conditionally

I have read this article about Router transition Animations for Angular:…

angular angular-routing angular-animations
Failed to execute angular animate : Partial keyframes are not supported

I'm getting started with Angular animations and i'm stuck on that error: ERROR DOMException: Failed to execute 'animate' on 'Element': …

angular angular-animations
Animate an image swap in Angular 4 (Was ng-animate-swap in AngularJS)

I'd like to animate an image swap in an angular 4 app. As the controller replaces the img src property the …

css angular animation angular-animations web-animations
Repeat animation angular 4

I created the following animation: fade.animation.ts: import { Component } from '@angular/core'; import { trigger, state, animate, query, transition, …

angular animation repeat angular-animations