Top "Angular-animations" questions

Use this tag to better reference animations in angular versions 2.0 and over or the BrowserAnimationsModule.

Angular 4 - Please include either "BrowserAnimationsModule" or "NoopAnimationsModule" in your application

I'm having a problem when I launch my Angular app on my browser. Everything works code speaking but I'm still …

angular angular-animations
Angular animation : Rotation 180° click image

How to make a image rotation (click : 0° -> 180° / click again : 180° -> 0°) on image button with Angular 4 ? I use …

html angular angular-animations
Parameter in to Animation Angular2

I'm trying to make a simple animation like the simple jQuery below animate({'left' : left_indent}) I'm using the Angular2 …

angular angular-animations
NullInjectorError: No provider for AnimationBuilder in Angular 6

Hello I working with the Angular 6 And also with the material design I have included all the dependency of the …

angular angular6 angular-animations
adding an angular animation to a host element

i added an animation to the host via @Component({ ...., animations: [ trigger('slideIn', [ ... ]) ], host: { '[@animation]': 'condition' } } which worked well, …

angular animation angular-animations
How to conditionally add animations in Angular 2

I have a form component that has fields, some fields I want to animate when they appear in the form, …

angular animation angular-animations
Integrate AOS library with Angular4 application

I am working on Angular 4.4.6 application and I want to implement some animations on scroll using the awesome plugin AOS …

jquery angular jquery-plugins angular-animations
Is it possible to disable mat-tab animations with pure css

I want to disable the Angular Material mat-tab animation (the animation that occurs as the content slides into place). I …

css angular angular-material angular-animations mat-tab
angular2 component transition animation

How to make page transition animation in angular2 ? I try this is code but not working @Component({ selector:'myPagefirstPage', }) @View({ …

angular angular-animations
Angular Animations: Animate Parent and Child Elements

I created an element (div.parent) with an Angular animation that worked great. When I add a child element to …

javascript angular animation angular-animations