TextView in the center of the screen

Mun0n picture Mun0n · Jan 17, 2012 · Viewed 50.9k times · Source

Possible Duplicate:
How do I center text horizontally and vertical in a TextView in Android?

I have a RelativeLayout (before it was a LinerLayout), that occupies all the screen and I want to put in the center of this Layout, a TextView. I try to do it with gravity = "center" layout_gravity = "center" and a few more, but it doesn't work.

Anybody knows how to center the TextView in the middle of the screen?


Ok, I think I explained badly. I think the TextView is in the center, but what I want to center is the text in the TextView. Can I do this?


mdelolmo picture mdelolmo · Jan 20, 2012

If your font size is big enough, it might look like it's not centered, because of the font padding.
Try using the already mentioned properties combined with android:includeFontPadding, something like this:
