Is it possible to disable Android firmware update notifications?

TomBomb picture TomBomb · Mar 29, 2011 · Viewed 11.4k times · Source

I have an application running on phones that aren't meant to be touched or interacted with in any way. I want my application to run correctly 24/7/365.

The only issue I'm having is that every few weeks or so, a notification pops up about updating the firmware on the device. It doesn't immediately interrupt the app running but after a few days of no one accepting/declining the firmware download, the app crashes.

Is there any way (either programatically or by changing phone settings) to disable these firmware update popups, or to disable automated firmware updating in general?

Thank you very much!!


André Campos Rodovalho picture André Campos Rodovalho · Nov 11, 2013

3 easy steps: 1. Install free System Tuner 2. Go to Startups 3. Select Google Services Framework 4. Uncheck SystemUpdateInstallDialog and SystemUpdateInstallDownloadDialog

IMPORTANT: You need a rooted device to run this app!

Simple and easy way to stop the system update notification...
