Android 9 (Pie) Only: Context.startForegroundService() did not then call Service.startForeground() - Works fine on Oreo

Psest328 picture Psest328 · Oct 26, 2018 · Viewed 19.7k times · Source

We adjusted our ongoing notification for Oreo and it worked great. Now, on Pie only (not happening on Oreo devices), we're getting the titled error. Has something changed in foreground services in Pie that I'm missing?

Here's the onCreate code for the foreground service ->

override fun onCreate() {

    val notification: Notification = NotificationCompat.Builder(this, packageName)
            .setColor(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.custom_blue))

    startForeground(ONGOING_NOTIFY_ID, notification)

    appSettings = AppSettings(this)

    weatherLookUpHelper = WeatherLookUpHelper()


as you can see, we're just creating the notification and then calling startForeground. Any ideas on why this code would generate the titled error?

Side Note: Fabric Crashlytics shows this crash only happening on Pixel devices (pixel, pixel xl, pixel 2, pixel 2 xl) running Pie

EDIT: We do have the foreground permission in our manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE" />


Arshad Mehmood picture Arshad Mehmood · Oct 29, 2018

As mentioned here Background Service Limitations, the app/service has five seconds to call startForeground(), If the app does not call startForeground() within the time limit, the system stops the service and declares the app to be ANR.

There are some possibilities:

  1. Either your foreground service gets destroyed/finished before calling the startForeground() method.
  2. Or if the foreground service is already instantiated and its getting called again, then the onCreate method will not be called, instead onStartCommand will be called. Then move your logic to onStartCommand to call startForeground() method.
  3. Your notification id in startForeground must not be 0, otherwise it will also cause the crash.